This is an important question that needs to be explained. A simple
answer to your question is really anytime. We even examine infants' eyes
here at the office. If there's a history of strabismus (eye turn), high
astigmatism, myopia, or hyperopia we will often do an eye exam around 2
to 3 years of age.
More routine exams should start around 4 to 5 years
of age. Sometimes parents may confuse a visual acuity screening with an
eye exam. This is where the child will be asked to read the letters on a
chart at the doctors office or at a school screening. This is not an eye
exam! While this is useful and good it primarily picks up myopia.
About 1 in 3 cases that need glasses will be missed. These missed cases
include things like astigmatism or hyperopia. These are problems that
can definitely affect your child's performance at school.
I think an
easy rule of thumb to remember is, if your child is old enough to go to
school they should get an eye exam every year. If there's a history of
unusual eye problems in the family bring your child in sooner.
Take advantage of summer break--get your child's eyes checked so they can start the new school year with perfect vision at
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