Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Ocular emergencies can happen in a heartbeat. Our doctors have treated numerous ocular emergencies in their years of optometric practice. An eye doctor is the best first contact for ocular emergencies.  Optometrists have specialized equipment and training to treat eye problems.  Urgent care centers are not well-equipped to deal with ocular emergencies.

Here at Dr Boyer Optometrist, the Doctors routinely treat ocular emergencies promptly, often on a walk-in or same-day basis.  Since emergency department visits can be costly, it also makes economic sense to see an eye doctor first.

Some eye conditions require seeing an eye doctor promptly.  These include:

Sudden loss or change of vision
Flashes of light
Severe eye pain
Seeing double
Eye trauma
Chemical splash
Foreign body in eye
Injuries from fireworks 

(909) 596-6756  2443 Foothill LaVerne CA 91750
 (909) 982-0100  1637 Mountain Ave Upland CA 91784
 #drkennethboyerOD #drbrianboyerOD

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Floaters, Light Flashes and Spots

Seeing eye floaters, light flashes or spots before your eyes can appear as specks or strings of black and gray. This generally occurs upon eye movement, but they can also appear when looking at something bright, such as sunlight. They are generally harmless to your field of vision, but larger sized floaters may cast a shadow making it slightly more difficult to see. Experiencing floaters warrants a visit to your eye care professional to make sure that it is not something more serious. The aging process is the most common reason for having eye floaters.
The Causes and Effects of Floaters
The cause of eye floaters is a protein known as collagen. The back of the eye contains a gel-like substance known as vitreous humor. As a person ages fibers decrease in size and collect in this area among the vitreous. The changes that take place cause the spots or floaters. Floaters can occur in all ages, but is most prominent between the ages of 50-75. It also affects people who have undergone cataract surgery or those who are nearsighted, as well as other disorders that occur within the eye.
Treatment of Floaters
There is no real treatment for eye floaters, as it is not necessary. Most people become used to them. For some people treatment is necessary, as it impairs their ability to see. This surgery is generally done by removing the vitreous. This surgery does carry the risk of retinal bleeding or tearing though. Laser surgery is also an option to break up the floaters.
Flashes of Light with Spots
If flashes of light or loss of vision are also seen with floaters it could signal something of a more serious nature and requires immediate attention. Serious conditions, such as retinal detachment, bleeding in the eye area or a retinal tear could also be occurring. Contact our office immediately if you are experiencing flashes of light with spots or floaters. Prompt diagnosis and treatment can save your sight.

Dr Boyer Optometrist  
(909) 596-6756  2443 Foothill LaVerne CA 91750
 (909) 982-0100  1637 Mountain Ave Upland CA 91784
 #drkennethboyerOD #drbrianboyerOD

Friday, July 17, 2020


Conjunctivitis Symptoms
Conjunctivitis gets the nickname pink eye because it gives the affected eye a shade of pink. Symptoms of pink eye vary depending on which of three types of pink eye you have contracted. One or both eyes can be affected by these symptoms:
1. Viral conjunctivitis produces watery and itchy eyes and causes sensitivity to light. It can be spread through coughing and sneezing.
2. Bacterial conjunctivitis creates a yellow-green discharge in the corner of the eye. It can cause your eyelids to stick together while you are sleeping. This type of pink eye is spread through direct contact with infected hands or objects.
3. Allergic conjunctivitis leads to watery, burning and itchy eyes. Other associated symptoms include a runny nose, stuffiness, and light sensitivity. Both eyes are affected by it, but this form of pink eye is not contagious.
Conjunctivitis Causes
Causes behind a case of conjunctivitis vary based on which type you have contracted. Some types of conjunctivitis are more dangerous to the long-term health of your eyes than others.
1. Viral conjunctivitis is caused by a virus. It is a contagious form of pink eye, but typically clears up on its own within a few days. 
2. Bacterial conjunctivitis is the most dangerous type of pink eye. It results from a bacterial infection. If left untreated by an eye care professional, the bacteria can cause serious damage to the affected eye.
3. Allergic conjunctivitis is usually connected with allergies, so it typically flares up when exposed to seasonal irritants like pollen or everyday irritants like dust or pet dander.
Conjunctivitis Treatments
Treatments for conjunctivitis vary based on the type afflicting your eyes. Viral conjunctivitis does not usually require medical treatment. A cold wet washcloth is often enough to relieve symptoms. Allergy medications can be effective in reducing or preventing bouts of allergic conjunctivitis. Bacterial conjunctivitis can only be treated through applying antibiotic eye drops or ointments prescribed by your eye care professional.

Don’t hesitate to call and get it checked and treated to prevent spreading it.
Our doctors are in office 10-5 Monday through Friday for all essential care. Appointments are necessary for social distancing.  
(909) 596-6756  2443 Foothill LaVerne CA 91750 
(909) 982-0100 1637 Mountain Ave Upland CA 91784 #drkennethboyerOD #drbrianboyerOD